Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy 2023
SERV Recruitment Ltd is totally opposed to all forms of discrimination and treats all people with dignity and respect. We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination, harassment or victimisation and value and encourage Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. This policy is intended to put our commitment into practice.
It is our aim to ensure that no employee, job applicant/candidate receives less favourable treatment in recruitment or employment on grounds of age, disability, gender/gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation (the protected characteristics).
This Policy shall operate in accordance with statutory requirements (including the Equality Act 2010). In addition, full account and reviews will be taken of any current or future guidance or Codes of Practice issued by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, or by Government Departments and/or any other statutory bodies.
The policy lays out the forms of discrimination are prohibited (including but not limited to):
- Direct discrimination: treating someone less favourably because of a protected characteristic
(rejecting a job applicant because of their race, gender or age) - Indirect discrimination: a practice that applies to everyone but adversely affects people with a
particular protected characteristic more than others - Harassment: this includes sexual harassment and other unwanted conduct related to a
protected characteristic, (violating someone’s dignity or creating an intimidating environment) - Victimisation: retaliation against someone who has complained or has supported someone else’s
complaint - Disability discrimination: this includes direct and indirect discrimination, any unjustified less
favourable treatment because of the effects of a disability, and failure to make reasonable adjustments to alleviate disadvantages caused by a disability.
Our Commitment:
- To create an inclusive culture where everyone can be valued for who they are
- Allowing all individual differences and the contributions of all staff are recognised and valued.
- Our recruitment, selection and assessment process will be based entirely on skills and
competencies of roles and appointments will be based entirely on merit. - Every employee is entitled to a working environment that promotes equality and respect to all.
- No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated in our outside of the
workplace. - We will ensure that individuals are treated equally and fairly and that decisions on training, development and progression opportunities are available to all staff and based on objective criteria.
- To promote EDI in the workplace, which we believe is good management practice and makes sound business sense.
- We will regularly review all our employment practices and procedures to ensure fairness.
- Where we are advised, we will make reasonable adjustments (if needed) to ensure that our services and offices can be accessed.
- Breaches of our EDI Policy will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to disciplinary proceedings.
- Third-party harassment, concerning our staff or candidates, relating to a protected characteristic will not be tolerated. The employee concerned should inform their line manager at once and Change will fully investigate and take all reasonable steps to ensure such harassment does not happen again.
- This policy is fully supported by the Leadership Team.
Our responsibilities towards inclusive recruitment process. The Equality Act ensures applicants are treated fairly and equally in the areas of:
- Race
- Gender and gender reassignment
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Equal pay
- Disability
- Age
- Religion or belief
- Sexual orientation
It will be made clear in the advertisement that an applicant will not be excluded on the grounds of sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy, maternity, race, marital status, disability, age, religion, belief or sexual orientation.